First Eco of my new Kidney. July 30, 2012.
First Self-portrait after my kidney transplant, July 28, 2012.
There could be no extrusion without intrusion: when, in fact, we choose to extrude something, that is to eliminate it, move it away, it is because it is perceived by us as an intruder to be driven away, as a stranger who creates problems for us, invades us or requires too much of us. - perhaps an impossible that we cannot or do not want to give.
Doctors must extrude and then include.
Jean- Luc Nancy, L' Intruso, 2000
The word “organ” comes from the greek word ergon which means work and energy. An organ works in a context of intrinsic energy as part of an open living system. An organ is not a thing but a living relationship. The relationship defines everything that is alive.
Ospite s. m. e f. [dal lat. hospes -pitis (with both of the sign. fundamental, because the word was referring especially to the reciprocal duties of hospitality)].
This project, together with The Day After, Lockdown Series, Carlo e Salvatore: my migrant great-grandparents. e Voice of Vittora, it is one of the chapters of my autobiographical work, the most significant.
I am open / closed. There is within me an aperture visible / invisible through which passes an unceasing flow of strangeness that accumulates and opposes. The strangeness of my new identity has touched me deeply. I am a photographer and at the same time chronically ill from 2004. These two realities move and live in a parallel way, sometimes intersecting between them.
The July 31, 2011 I took my first self-portrait, and for the first time I found myself in in two different spaces, in front and behind the camera, not just photographs but also the subject and then a spectator of my own shots and this triple role has made it which could come out a strong and deep creative process. July 27, 2012 arrived "the host".
They open and close me, and the language changes, because there is a body where lives a new organ, the kidney of another person. So I start to wonder: "What is a body? How has changed it, what I feel? How can I ‘m alive if the life of my body is in the hands of another? I still do these questions. Now I have two system, two sets, two immune identity.
2012 / 2021
I am the other and the other is in me, in this radical and undecidable fracture. L’ Ospite continues in his coming, his intrusion does not cease. It fits, it becomes part of my body. The "disease" has become the cure. I am my illness. Talking about the experience of my kidney transplant, I wonder about the transformations that the categories of identity and strangeness undergo when a body comes into contact with another system. And life and death, separated now by a very thin wall, continually incurs one into the ground of the other.
On July 27th I received my first kidney transplant. The Guest has arrived.
My kidneys, the ones with which I came into the world, become the organs to extrude, the organs that have failed: they appear as intruders inside my own body, because they are no longer able to carry out their task and therefore they put my life in danger. My only salvation is a kidney transplant which I have been waiting for 10 months. Another person's kidney is the only way out, the only solution that can save my life. But this happened after an intrusion impossible to imagine.
dïàlisi s. f. [dal gr. «scioglimento, separazione», der. di «distinguere»].s
ling: figure of speech which consists in interrupting through a strong impact the normal order of a period
In rhetoric, form of hyperbaton, that is the interruption of a period by an engraved (as, eg., In the passage of Dante, Inf. XXIX, 16-17: sen Part Guide departed, and I went back there, lo Duca. ..).
In classical rhetoric he was called d. (Or diàlito) also a construct without conjunctions, ie the asyndeton.
innestare v. tr. [lat. *insitare, der. di insitus, part. pass. di inserìre «introdurre»; v. insito e inserire] (io innèsto, ecc.). –
AGR. Insert in the living body of a plant, a gem or a branch from a different plant, generally of more high-quality, because this can develop maintaining those characteristics that would be less with the reproduction through seeds.